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Mushrooms can be used in forests for :
- preservation of native forests
- recovery and recycling of woodland debris
- enhancement of replanted trees - strengthening sustainability of ecosystems - economic diversity [1]

In clear-cut forestlands, mushrooms can play a vital role in decomposing dead wood and debris, maintaining nutrient cycles as well as providing a habitat for plants, insects, and animals[2].

Mushrooms in forests retain water and reduce wood debris, effectively reducing the chance of forest fires [3].

Oyster mushrooms have good mycoforestry potential, in that they are the easiest and least expensive mushroom to grow.[4]
This is because of their high adaptability, aggressiveness, and productivity. As well, they are excellent wood decomposers, and grow on wider range of forest and agricultural wastes than any other mushroom group.

1. Stamets, Paul. Mycelium Running (Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 2005), p. 65
2. Ibid, p. 68
3. Ibid, p. 75
4. Stamets, Paul. Growing Gourmet And Medicinal Mushrooms (Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 1993), p. 282